For long-lasting beauty, easy and safe to use, short application time and best color results for up to six weeks.
Preparation for painting.
Carefully remove the eye makeup for dyeing eyelashes or eyebrows with Refectocil Démaquillant, for the best results to get the eyelashes or eyebrows should be dry and free of oil, grab now two Refectocil wimperblaadjes, bring Refectocil nourishing skin cream to be on the customer lower lid and the rear of the Refectocil wimperblaadjes, do the Refectocil wimperblaadjes right under the lashes of both eyes to prevent paint gets on the skin.

Preparation of paint.
Direct dyeing mix 2cm Refectocil lashes with 10 drops Refectocil Oxidant liquid (or 15 to 20 drops Refectocil Oxidant Creme) in a mixing glass, mix it with the included applicator, as the customer in mind, the eyelashes can be painted shut, paint afterwards with the growth of hair along the eyebrows with the same hue or brighter, let depending on the desired color intensity of the dye to act for 5 to 10 minutes,
Cleaning the eyebrows after the exposure time.
Remove the lashes with a dry cotton cotton pad, if the lashes came on the skin, you can remove it with a cotton pad with Refectocil color cleanser, Refectocil color cleanser not use directly on the skin around the eyes or eyelashes.
Cleaning the lashes after the exposure time.
After the reaction remove the Refectocil wimperblaadjes by taking them directly from the eyelid without moving the wimperblaadjes on the lid, remove the excess lashes with a dry cotton cotton pad, the hard to remove lashes with a cotton pad with water, eyes the customer must always be closed during cleaning.