Sibel Practice Head Jessica
Sibel Practice Head Jessica is a driving head of 100% H-Pro Haren. Pro-H Hairs are made from syntactic protein fibers which is almost the same as human hair , but a lot cheaper.
Sibel Practice Head Jessica can be modified devices up to 120C ° .
Sibel Practice Head Jessica has a super high hair density of 360-390 hairs / cm2 and a natural implantation.
Sibel practice heads
are only used with real human hair
processed unless otherwise stated. The practice heads undergo 7 purification baths for perfect hygiene. Sibel Practice Heads
to become per hair implanted
according to normal growth pattern and density so that the hair feels like real hair in the treatment.

Practice heads you order inexpensively and quickly hair boutique . Choose from a wide range of different hairdressers' heads for different purposes. We have different practice heads with different types of hair to learn the tricks of the hairdressing profession.
Choose from different models, long hair , short hair , blond or brown hair, curly or style hair, a feminine or male fashion model. Our practice heads are made with the greatest care, often also of real hair, which gives you an even better feeling for the hairdressing profession! Order one of the many different models, fast, cheap and affordable at